Thursday, January 29, 2015

Getting Docker to work on OS X

Chris Jones has an excellent resource on getting started with Docker on MAC OS X. You can access it here:

My only deviation in the above guide is to install boot2docker from here:

Everything else should work fine for you.

Accessing insecure private repos:

I have had some issues accessing insecure docker registries. The error is usually something like this:
laptop-rmenezes:$ docker push

2014/11/07 16:06:17 Error: Invalid registry endpoint Get tls: oversized record received with length 20527. If this private registry supports only HTTP or HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate, please add `--insecure-registry` to the daemon's arguments. In the case of HTTPS, if you have access to the registry's CA certificate, no need for the flag; simply place the CA certificate at /etc/docker/certs.d/

The fix over there is change the following file inside the boot2docker vm:

boot2docker ssh
sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/profile

You need to add the following line to this fine:
EXTRA_ARGS="  --insecure-registry --insecure-registry  "

The above is an example that you can add multiple registries the above format.

Then you just need to do:
boot2docker up
boot2docker down


Running a Docker command:
sudo docker run -v /mnt/data:/data -e "ENVIRONMENT=prod" -m 39g  d34ca1989ab7 /apps/python/bin/  --config

-v is used to mount a Machine directory onto a docker directory.
-e is used to pass environment variables.
-m tells how much memory to use
d34ca1989ab7 is the image id
the rest is the command

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